Friday 12 November 2010

The young male police anxious early stop

n and the police seems to be Liwu Chen in the roundworm, hey sneer and began to fist on Long Hao East scout. to see the play Liwu Chen had become more and more proud

of his face livid, Long Hao East, the strong endurance to his surprise, the young men and the police are afraid to strike it, Long Hao East that make his heart cold

eyes betrayed a fear from the failure.

Long after the beating from the East handsome face ho has not a kind of swollen. No one said nothing, still remain Xiexiao bloated face, mouth hanging bloodshot

bloodthirsty light emitting atmosphere. Estimated that evening walk in the street can scared to death that coward. body dotted with patches of white shirt and scarlet,

his eyes showing Shensui cold direct the light as a sword into the hearts of Liwu Chen. almost hate to Li Wuchen not help look in front of the boy that the past can be

afraid to stop a wave of young men he tried to continue to torture the police, the young male police anxious early stop, quickly crashed retreated to one side, felt

not help control the rapid ups and downs.

"I will always remember the two of you today on my" grace ", after a certain double back to you." Long Hao East and forced back quickly out of the blood spray from the

mouth, face the cold.

"You can never leave this life here, three hundred and three of his detention to prison." Face full of wroth Liwu Chen, Hao Dong Long wait to immediately shot, the boy

gave him an unprecedented sense of fear, let him play the desire to kill. Leadership to the young male police heard this so he was afraid of holding up to three

hundred and three juvenile prison, the original stable anxious moments down the mind, because it is out of place went to lie down, young men and very blunt police

custody Hao Dong dragon walked toward the three hundred and three row.

Taken out of the interrogation room watching the dragon Hao Dong, Li Wuchen mouth revealing a touch of sinister smile. Himself: "depending on how you die in three

hundred and three."

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